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The arteriolar sclerosis that results from chronic hypertension leads to small lacunar infarcts, or "lacunes", one of which is seen here in the pons. Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem.


This is the microscopic appearance of a lacunar infarct. Note that it is a cystic space from the resolved liquefactive necrosis. There can be hemosiderin pigment from hemorrhage as well.


An acute cerebral infarct is seen here. Such infarcts are typically the result of arterial thrombosis or embolism.


The bilaterally symmetric dark discolored areas seen superiorly and just lateral to the midline represent recent infarction in the watershed zone between anterior and middle cerebral arterial circulations. Such watershed infarctions can occur with relative or absolute hypoperfusion of the brain.


This is an intermediate to remote infarct in the distribution of the middle cerebral artery.


A thrombosis of the internal carotid artery is seen here. Arterial thromboses are far more common in the brain than venous thromboses (by a ratio of about 100 to 1).


This angiogram demonstrates an embolic obstruction of a branch of the left common carotid artery just past the first main bifurcation.


Thromboemboli can lodge in cerebral arteries, particularly in the distribution of the middle cerebral, and peripherally toward branch points. Here is a thromboembolus that originated from mural thrombus in the left atrium. The heart is a common source for such emboli.


This intermediate infarct of the frontal lobe shows liquefactive necrosis with formation of cystic spaces as resolution begins.


This magnetic resonance imaging scan demonstrates subacute infarctions in the right basal ganglia and also near the gray-white junction in the posterior parietal region.

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