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This Luxol-fast-blue stain of spinal cord in a patient with ALS demonstrates lateral column degeneration with gliosis--the "sclerosis" of ALS.

Tay-Sachs病的婴儿会出现扩大的苍白色神经元,这在欧洲犹太后裔最常见。通常疾病最先在 6 个月时被发现,因为此时婴儿不能继续发育。

These enlarged, pale neurons are in a baby with Tay-Sachs disease, which is seen mostly in persons of European Jewish heritage. The disease is often first noticed at an age of 6 months, because the baby is not progressing developmentally.


This is an example of neuronophagia in which a dying neuron is surrounded by microglial cells.


This is a so-called pseudolaminar necrosis of the cerebral cortex that is typical of a patient in a persistent vegetative state who is on life-support systems. Note that the cortical ribbon is very thin because of the loss of cortex.


The cerebral atrophy seen here mainly in the frontal and parietal regions is characterized by narrowed gyri and widened sulci. The atrophy seen here was due to senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (Alzheimer's disease).


In this case of Alzheimer's disease, there is more marked atrophy seen superiorly and laterally, with sparing of the occipital region.


The cortical atrophy leads to compensatory dilation of the cerebral ventricles known as "hydrocephalus ex vacuo".


The characteristic microscopic findings of Alzheimer's disease include "senile plaques" which are collections of degenerative presynaptic endings along with astrocytes and microglia. These plaques are best seen with a silver stain, as seen here in a case with many plaques of varying size.

银染色Alzheimer 病显示老年斑,多位于大脑皮质和海马。痴呆的主要表现是进行性记忆丧失。

The plaques of Alzheimer's disease are seen here with a silver stain. Such plaques are most numerous in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This dementia is marked mainly by progressive memory loss.


A number of neuritic plaques with Alzheimer's disease are seen here. They have an amyloid core as seen here with Congo red stain. Small peripheral cerebral arteries may also be involved. There appears to be a problem with beta amyloid precursor protein, but the exact pathogenesis is unknown. It is interesting that the gene coding for cerebral amyloid is on chromosome 21--and persons with trisomy 21 living to age 40 invariably develop Alzheimer's disease.

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