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This circumscribed reddish-yellow firm neoplasm beneath the dura next to the falx is a meningioma. The superior parasagittal location is quite common.


Here is another benign meningioma beneath the dura. These neoplasms are slow growing, but may reach a large size before symptoms lead to detection.


Note how this meningioma beneath the dura has compressed the underlying cerebral hemisphere. Rarely, meningiomas can be more aggressive and invade.


This is an MRI scan demonstrating a discreet mass along the lateral convexity and extending from a dural base impinging upon the cerebral hemisphere. This is consistent with a meningioma.


A sagittal view is shown here.


An incidental finding at autopsy, this light tan colored meningioma involved the sphenoid ridge, another common location. The base of the sella is seen here, above which is the tan-colored pituitary gland. Above and on each side lateral to pituitary are the internal carotid and the anterior cerebral arteries, above which slightly medially are the optic nerves.


Here is a resected meningioma. These are relatively easy for the neurosurgeon to remove.


This is the microscopic appearance of a meningioma of a meningioma at low magnification. Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right. The cells of the meningioma have abundant pink cytoplasm.


At medium power, this meningioma is composed of whorled nests of cells. A variety of patterns are possible.


At high magnification, this meningioma has plump pink cells. A small amount of brown granular hemosiderin is present. Meningiomas may also have psammomma bodies.

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