因血管畸形破裂造成的脑内和脑室内出血,此种血管病变(组织学上称为动静脉畸形--AVM)引起的出血可以发生在脑内或者渗入脑室或蛛网膜下隙。 The intraventricular and intracerebral hemorrhage seen here was due to a ruptured vascular malformation. The hemorrhage from such a lesion (which is most often histologically an arteriovenous malformation--AVM) can be intracerebral or extend into ventricles or subarachnoid space. |
血管畸形显微镜图像显示出扩张、扭曲、类蠕虫的血管通道,这种病变可能只引起少量出血,还是癫痫发作的一个原因。 The microscopic appearance of this vascular malformation reveals the dilated, tortuous, worm-like vascular channels. Such lesions may bleed a small amount and be the cause for a seizure disorder. |
CT显示右颞叶大范围出血,原因是血管畸形破裂。 This CT scan demonstrates a large area of hemorrhage in the right temporal lobe as a consequence of a ruptured vascular malformation. |
因向后跌倒在大脑内出现特有出血部位,导致额叶下部和颞叶的对冲伤,出现广泛的挫伤和蛛网膜下腔出血。 The characteristic location of the hemorrhage in this brain is consistent with a fall backwards resulting in a contra coup injury to the inferior frontal and temporal lobes. This has resulted in extensive contusions and subarachnoid hemorrhage. |
额叶冠状面显示累及下方脑回的广泛挫伤。此为老年人浴缸里摔倒造成的头部对冲伤。 A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri. This was a contracoup injury from a fall in the bathtub by an elderly person. |
棕黄色圆齿状外观的病变与旧挫伤相一致。出血后血液溶解形成的含铁血黄素产生棕黄色外观。 The orange-brown, scalloped appearance of these lesions is consistent with old contusions. The resolution left behind hemosiderin from the hemorrhage that produces the orange-brown staining. |
图示旧挫伤主要存在于额叶右下部。脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。 Seen here are remote contusions, mainly of the right inferior frontal lobe. The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces. |
图示车祸对头部造成大范围钝性损伤的病变。脑回挫裂伤引起出血。 The lesions seen here are the result of extensive blunt force trauma to the head in a vehicular accident. Mainly the gyri are affected with hemorrhage from contusions and lacerations. |
脑桥Duret出血是继发性的,由向下压迫导致穿孔小动脉的牵拉缺血形成。各种类型损害--出血、水肿以及任一类型的肿块病变均可引起压迫性病变。 The so-called Duret hemorrhages seen here in the pons are secondary to downward compression that leads to stretching and ischemia of perforating arterioles. The compression can result from a variety of lesions--hemorrhages, edema, mass lesions of any type. |
广泛的白质瘀点瘀斑是脂肪栓塞的典型表现。有趣的是,神经系统的症状和体征通常在一周后出现,例如车祸引起长骨骨折。 The extensive white matter petechial hemorrhages seen here are typical for fat embolism syndrome. Interestingly, neurologic signs and symptoms usually appear about a week after the initiating event, such as long bone fractures in a vehicular accident. |