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The intraventricular and intracerebral hemorrhage seen here was due to a ruptured vascular malformation. The hemorrhage from such a lesion (which is most often histologically an arteriovenous malformation--AVM) can be intracerebral or extend into ventricles or subarachnoid space.


The microscopic appearance of this vascular malformation reveals the dilated, tortuous, worm-like vascular channels. Such lesions may bleed a small amount and be the cause for a seizure disorder.


This CT scan demonstrates a large area of hemorrhage in the right temporal lobe as a consequence of a ruptured vascular malformation.


The characteristic location of the hemorrhage in this brain is consistent with a fall backwards resulting in a contra coup injury to the inferior frontal and temporal lobes. This has resulted in extensive contusions and subarachnoid hemorrhage.


A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri. This was a contracoup injury from a fall in the bathtub by an elderly person.


The orange-brown, scalloped appearance of these lesions is consistent with old contusions. The resolution left behind hemosiderin from the hemorrhage that produces the orange-brown staining.


Seen here are remote contusions, mainly of the right inferior frontal lobe. The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces.


The lesions seen here are the result of extensive blunt force trauma to the head in a vehicular accident. Mainly the gyri are affected with hemorrhage from contusions and lacerations.


The so-called Duret hemorrhages seen here in the pons are secondary to downward compression that leads to stretching and ischemia of perforating arterioles. The compression can result from a variety of lesions--hemorrhages, edema, mass lesions of any type.


The extensive white matter petechial hemorrhages seen here are typical for fat embolism syndrome. Interestingly, neurologic signs and symptoms usually appear about a week after the initiating event, such as long bone fractures in a vehicular accident.

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