Alzheimer病形成的老年斑。lzheimer病的主要生化缺陷是大脑皮质的胆碱乙酰转移酶和乙酰胆碱丢失。 Here is another Alzheimer's plaque. The major biochemical defect in Alzheimer's disease is a loss of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex. |
Alzheimer病神经原纤维缠结。神经原纤维缠结在细胞质出现粉红色的细长丝。他们由细胞骨架中间丝组成。 This is a neurofibrillary "tangle" of Alzheimer's disease. The tangle appears as long pink filaments in the cytoplasm. They are composed of cytoskeletal intermediate filaments. |
银染色可以很好的显示Alzheimer病神经原纤维缠结。 Neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease are also seen best with a silver stain, as shown here. |
明显的额颞叶萎缩是痴呆的另一种不常见类型造成的,如Pick病。 The very marked frontotemporal atrophy seen here is due to another much less common type of dementia known as Pick's disease. |
明显Pick病脑萎缩,老年痴呆,在额叶和颞叶形成刀片样很薄的脑回。 The marked atrophy of Pick's disease, a senile dementia, produces "knife-like" thinning of the gyri in frontal lobes and temporal lobes. |
明显的脑室扩张是因为Huntington病时二乙基溴乙酰胺丧失使尾状核头萎缩,常染色体显性遗传,临床上伴有典型的舞蹈症。 The apparent enlargement of the ventricles seen here is due to atrophy of the head of the caudate from neuronal loss with Huntington's disease, an autosomal dominant condition characterized clinically by choreiform movements. |
显微镜下,Huntington病患者尾状核中二乙基溴乙酰胺丢失伴有神经胶质增生。中年发病。因4号染色体异常编码引起,该基因编码的蛋白质包括增多的三核苷酸重复序列。重复的序列越多,疾病发作时间越早。自然形成的新突变比较少见。 Microscopically, the caudate nucleus in Huntington's disease demonstrates loss of neurons along with gliosis. The onset of this disease occurs in middle age. This disease results from an abnormal gene on chromosome 4 which codes for a protein containing increased trinucleotide repeat sequences. The greater the number of repeats, the earlier the onset of the disease. Spontanenous new mutations are uncommon. |
左边是Parkinson病人中脑黑质色素减少,右边对应的是正常中脑。与其他症状相比,临床上Parkinson病休息时出现很明显的球滚样颤抖、面具样面容以及齿轮样四肢僵硬。 The loss of pigmentation in the substantia nigra of the midbrain at the left in a patient with Parkinson's disease is contrasted with a normal midbrain at the right. Parkinson's disease is marked clinically by a "pill-rolling" tremor at rest, mask-like facies, and cogwheel rigidity of limbs, among other findings. |
在左边黑质处是正常数目的神经元,并且出现色素沉着。右边是因患Parkinson病导致神经元的减少和色素沉着的减少。 At the left, normal numbers of neurons in the subtantia nigra are pigmented. At the right, there is loss of neurons and loss of pigmentation with Parkinson's disease. |
弥漫性Lewy小体病病人,左边HE染色显示大脑皮质神经元中的圆形粉红色胞质Lewy小体,Lewy小体可能是痴呆的原因。Parkinson病黑质中也能见到Lewy小体。右边采用泛素免疫过氧化物酶染色,Lewy小体清晰可见。 At the left, an H and E stain demonstrates a rounded pink cytoplasmic Lewy body in a neuron of the cerebral cortex from a patient with diffuse Lewy body disease, which can be a cause for dementia. Lewy bodies can also be seen in substantia nigra with Parkinson's disease. An immunoperoxidase stain for ubiquitin, seen at the right, helps demonstrate the Lewy bodies more readily. |