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Here is a normal adult kidney. The capsule has been removed and a pattern of fetal lobulations still persists, as it sometimes does. The hilum at the mid left contains some adipose tissue. At the lower right is a smooth-surfaced, small, clear fluid-filled simple renal cyst. Such cysts occur either singly or scattered around the renal parenchyma and are not uncommon in adults.


In cross section, this normal adult kidney demonstrates the lighter outer cortex and darker medulla with central pelvis.


This intravenous pyelogram (IVP) of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis, ureter, and bladder.


Here is a much larger simple renal cyst of the upper pole. Other smaller cysts are also scattered around the kidney. The ureter exits south on the left. Such a large renal cyst would be seen on a radiographic imaging procedure, but could probably be distinguished from a neoplasm by its fluid density.


This CT scan of the abdomen demonstrates a large simple renal cyst on the right and a smaller cyst on the left.


Double ureters are seen exiting from each kidney and extending to the bladder that has been opened. A small segment of aorta is seen between the normal, smooth-surfaced kidneys. A partial or complete duplication of one or both ureters occurs in about 1 in 150 persons. There is a potential for obstructive problems due to the abnormal flow of urine and the entrance of two ureters into the bladder in close proximity, but most of the time this is an incidental finding (except to a urologist).


Here is a "horseshoe" kidney. This is a congenital anomaly that most often occurs in association with other anomalies or syndromes with specific genetic defects such as trisomy 18. However, it can also occur as an isolated anomaly. The possible problem here is that the ureters take an abnormal course across the "bridge" of renal tissue and this can lead to partial obstruction with hydronephrosis.

左侧为相对正常的右肾,仅有少量散在的浅的皮质瘢痕,肾上极有大的黄褐色瘢痕。左肾(右侧)因肾动脉梗阻而萎缩了,可导致高血压(Goldblatt 肾)。

There is a relatively normal kidney at the left with only a few scattered, shallow cortical scars and one fairly large pale tan-yellow scar in the upper pole. The left kidney is atrophic because of renal arterial occlusion. Such a situation can lead to hypertension (Goldblatt kidney).

Stones containing calcium are far more frequent than other types, and about half the time occur when there is hypercalciuria. Only about 10% of the time do they appear as a consequence of hypercalcemia. The struvite stones are also known as "infection" stones because bacteria such as Proteus that split urea to ammonia favor their formation. Uric acid stones may be seen in association with gout, but often are not, and may just reflect increased precipitation of urates in an acid urine. Rare cystine stones also form in acid urine.
Urinary tract calculi are usually unilateral and about 1 to 3 mm in size. Their passage is marked by intense abdominal or back or flank pain. This pain can be paroxysmal, known as renal or ureteral "colic". Hematuria may also be present. Larger stones that cannot pass may produce hydronephrosis or hydroureter.


The passage of a calculus (stone) through the urinary tract is diagrammed here. Calculi form when there is increased excretion of solutes such as calcium and when urine alkalinity, acidity, stasis, and/or concentration are favorable. The most common varieties of calculi are:

Type of Stone Frequency
Calcium oxalate (or phosphate) 75%
Magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite, or "triple phosphate") 12%
Uric acid 6%
Cystine 1%
Other 6%



There was a large renal calculus (stone) that obstructed the calyces of the lower pole of this kidney, leading to a focal hydronephrosis (dilation of the collecting system). The stasis from the obstruction and dilation led to infection. The infection with inflammation is characterized by the pale yellowish-tan areas next to the dilated calyces with hyperemic mucosal surfaces. The upper pole is normal and shows good corticomedullary demarcations.

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