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Here is a larger area of infarction produced by a medium-sized thromboembolus to the lung. This infarction has begun to organize at the margins.It is also possible to have multiple small pulmonary thromboemboli that do not cause sudden death and do not occlude a large enough branch of pulmonary artery to cause infarction. However, if there are lots of small emboli, particularly if they are showered to the lungs over a period of time, then they collectively may block enough small arteries to produce pulmonary hypertension.


A closer view of a thromboembolus filling a main pulmonary artery reveals a layered appearance, typical of a thrombus that formed in a large vein of the pelvis or lower extremity.


This is the microscopic appearance of a pulmonary thromboembolus in a large pulmonary artery. There are interdigitating areas of pale pink and red that form the "lines of Zahn" characteristic for a thrombus. These lines represent layers of red cells, platelets, and fibrin which are layed down in the vessel as the thrombus forms.


Here a thromboembolus is packed into a pulmonary artery. Over time, if the patient survives, the thromboembolus will undergo organization and dissolution.


Here is a small peripheral pumonary artery thromboembolus. Such a small PE such as this one would probably not be noticed or cause problems unless there were many of them showered into the pulmonary circulation at once or over a period of time. This could lead to pulmonary hypertension


The fibrous bands of connective tissue across this branch of pulmonary artery indicate organization of a remote pulmonary thromboembolus. If many pulmonary arteries are involved by this process, pulmonary hypertension could result.


Below the white arrow can be seen a fibrous band in a peripheral pulmonary artery from a remote organized pulmonary thromboembolus. Note that the atheromatous plaques of the pulmonar artery intima at the right are indicative of the effect of such embolization--pulmonary hypertension.


This is a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung that is arising centrally in the lung (as most squamous cell carcinomas do). It is obstructing the right main bronchus. The neoplasm is very firm and has a pale white to tan cut surface.


These chest CT scan views above and below demonstrates a large squamous cell carcinoma of the right upper lobe that extends around the right main bronchus and also invades into the mediastinum and involves hilar lymph nodes.

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