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The edge of a granuloma is shown here at high magnification. At the upper right is amorphous pink caseous material composed of the necrotic elements of the granuloma as well as the infectious organisms. This area is ringed by the inflammatory component with epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts.


At high magnification, the granuloma demonstrates that the epithelioid macrophages are elongated with long, pale nuclei and pink cytoplasm. The macrophages organize into committees called giant cells. The typical giant cell for infectious granulomas is called a Langhans giant cell and has the nuclei lined up along one edge of the cell. The process of granulomatous inflammation takes place over months to years (did you ever hear of a committee action that was completed in a short time?)

为了在组织切片上发现分支杆菌,进行抗酸染色( AFB 染色)。高倍镜示,分支杆菌被染成红棒。

In order to find the mycobacteria in a tissue section, a stain for acid fast bacilli is done (AFB stain). The mycobacteria stain as red rods, as seen here at high magnification.

免疫反应低下或由广泛感染受抑时,就可能看到图示的肉芽肿表现。因为肺实质内存在大量散在的小棕褐色肉芽肿,直径约 2~4 mm ,称为粟粒性肉芽肿。

When the immune response is poor or is overwhelmed by an extensive infection, then it is possible to see the gross pattern of granulomatous disease seen here. This is a "miliary" pattern of granulomas because there are a multitude of small tan granulomas, about 2 to 4 mm in size, scattered throughout the lung parenchyma. The miliary pattern gets its name from the resemblence of the granulomas to millet seeds.


At closer range, the miliary pattern is seen throughout the lung. Dissemination of the infectious agent (M. tuberculosis, fungi) may produce a similar pattern in other organs.


This is a fungal granuloma produced by Aspergillus. An infectious process is suggested by the fact that the lesion has crossed the fissure as though it weren't there. A neoplasm usually is initially impeded by an anatomical barrier. This granuloma has an irregular, red margin and a firm, tan-orange center.


Here is another fungal granuloma.


The lung involvement by these fungal granulomas is more extensive. Fungal infections are more common in patients who are immunosuppressed.


A fungus ball composed of blue-staining hyphal elements of Aspergillus is seen here in a bronchus. Fungus balls may also form when fungi colonize cavitary lesions of tuberculosis.


Branching, septate hyphae are close-packed here and radiating outward in this aspergilloma.

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