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Arising centrally in this lung and spreading extensively is a small cell anaplastic (oat cell) carcinoma. The cut surface of this tumor has a soft, lobulated, white to tan appearance. The tumor seen here has caused obstruction of the main bronchus to left lung so that the distal lung is collapsed. Oat cell carcinomas are very aggressive and often metastasize widely before the primary tumor mass in the lung reaches a large size.


Here is an oat cell carcinoma which is spreading along the bronchi. The speckled black rounded areas represent hilar lymph nodes with metastatic carcinoma. These neoplasms are more amenable to chemotherapy than radiation therapy or surgery, but the prognosis is still poor. Oat cell carcinomas occur almost exclusively in smokers.


This is the microscopic pattern of a small cell anaplastic (oat cell) carcinoma in which small dark blue cells with minimal cytoplasm are packed together in sheets.

两例错构瘤,为肺良性肿块。胸片上这些不常见的损害(硬币损害)可作为与肉芽肿及局限化的恶性肿瘤鉴别诊断的依据。质地坚韧,X线片上可见钙化区。绝大多数比较小(小于 2 厘米)。

Here are two examples of a benign lung neoplasm known as a pulmonary hamartoma. These uncommon lesions appear on chest radiograph as a "coin lesion" that has a differential diagnosis of granuloma and localized malignant neoplasm. They are firm and discreet and often have calcifications in them that also appear on radiography. Most are small (less than 2 cm).


The pulmonary hamartoma is seen microscopically to be composed mostly of benign cartilage on the right that is jumbled with a fibrovascular stroma and scattered bronchial glands on the left. A hamartoma is a neoplasm in an organ that is composed of tissue elements normally found at that site, but growing in a haphazard mass.


Multiple variably-sized masses are seen in all lung fields. These tan-white nodules are characteristic for metastatic carcinoma. Metastases to the lungs are more common even than primary lung neoplasms simply because so many other primary tumors can metastasize to the lungs. Even the hilar nodes in this photograph demonstrate nodules of metastatic carcinoma. The nodules are usually in the periphery and do not cause major obstruction.


This chest radiograph demonstrates a nodular pattern resulting from multiple small metastases to the lung from a colonic adenocarcinoma.


Here are larger but still variably-sized nodules of metastatic carcinoma in lung.


This chest radiograph demonstrates a nodular pattern resulting from multiple metastases to the lung from a colonic adenocarcinoma. This is the same patient as the previous radiograph, but at a later point in the course. (The plate and screws in the cervical spine repaired a pathologic fracture from metastasis).


A nest of metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma from breast is seen in a dilated lymphatic channel in the lung. Carcinomas often metastasize via lymphatics. Prostatic adenocarcinoma is famous for metastasizing to the lungs in a "lymphangitic" pattern in which streaks of tumor appear between lung lobules and beneath the pleura in lymphatic spaces.

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