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This is the microscopic appearance of an exogenous lipid pneumonia in which lipid vacuoles appear, mainly along airways, accompanied by an inflammatory response that can contain foreign body giant cells. The term exogenous refers to the origin of the lipid material outside the body. This material is aspirated into the bronchial tree.


This is the microscopic appearance of an endogenous lipid pneumonia in which numerous foamy lipid laden macrophages are present in alveolar spaces. The term endogenous refers to the origin of the lipid material from breakdown of lung and blood, usually distal to the site of an obstructive process (such as a neoplasm, an inhaled foreign body, or bronchiectasis). The macrophages collect to ingest the lipid material.


Here is the gross appearance of a lung with tuberculosis. Scattered tan granulomas are present, mostly in the upper lung fields. Some of the larger granulomas have central caseation. Granulomatous disease of the lung grossly appears as irregularly sized rounded nodules that are firm and tan. Larger nodules may have central necrosis known as caseation--a process of necrosis that includes elements of both liquefactive and coagulative necrosis).


This is another example of granulomatous disease of the lung. The pattern of smaller nodules which have a propensity for upper lobe involvement suggests a granulomatous process rather than metastatic disease.


On closer inspection, the granulomas have areas of caseous necrosis. This is very extensive granulomatous disease. This pattern of multiple caseating granulomas primarily in the upper lobes is most characteristic of secondary (reactivation) tuberculosis. However, fungal granulomas (histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis) can mimic this pattern as well.


When there is extensive caseation and the granulomas involve a larger bronchus, it is possible for much of the soft, necrotic center to drain out and leave behind a cavity. Cavitation is typical for large granulomas with tuberculosis. Cavitation is more common in the upper lobes.


There is a small tan-yellow subpleural granuloma in the mid-lung field on the right. In the hilum is a small yellow tan granuloma in a hilar lymph node next to a bronchus. This is the "Ghon complex" that is the characteristic gross appearance with primary tuberculosis. In most persons, the granulomatous disease will not progress. Over time, the granulomas decrease in size and can calcify, leaving a focal calcified spot on a chest radiograph that suggests remote granulomatous disease.


The Ghon complex is seen here at closer range. Primary tuberculosis is the pattern seen with initial infection with tuberculosis in children. Reactivation, or secondary tuberculosis, is more typically seen in adults.


Well-defined granulomas are seen here. They have rounded outlines. The one toward the center of the photograph contains several Langhans giant cells. Granulomas are composed of transformed macrophages called epithelioid cells along with lymphocytes, occasional PMN's, plasma cells, and fibroblasts. The localized, small appearance of these granulomas suggests that the immune response is fairly good.


At low magnification, this photomicrograph reveals multiple granulomas. Granulomatous disease by chest radiograph can appear as reticulonodular densities.

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