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Microscopically, the inflammation of ulcerative colitis is confined primarily to the mucosa. Here, the mucosa is eroded by an ulcer that undermines surrounding mucosa.


At higher magnification, the intense inflammation of the mucosa is seen. The colonic mucosal epithelium demonstrates loss of goblet cells. An exudate is present over the surface. Both acute and chronic inflammatory cells are present.

急性溃疡性结肠炎结肠显示粘膜隐窝有小脓肿,腺腔内可见中性粒细胞渗出 。黏膜下层有严重的炎症。不典型炎症中腺体缺少杯状细胞和细胞核深染。

The colonic mucosa of active ulcerative colitis shows "crypt abscesses" in which a neutrophilic exudate is found in glandular lumens. The submucosa shows intense inflammation. The glands demonstrate loss of goblet cells and hyperchromatic nuclei with inflammatory atypia.


Crypt abscesses are a histologic finding more typical with ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, not all cases of inflammatory bowel disease can be classified completely in all patients.


Over time, there is a risk for adenocarcinoma with ulcerative colitis. Here, more normal glands are seen at the left, but the glands at the right demonstrate dysplasia, the first indication that there is a move towards neoplasia.

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