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The encircling mass of firm adenocarcinoma in this colon at the left is typical for adenocarcinomas arising in the descending colon. A change in stool or bowel habits can be created by the mass effect.


By colonoscopy, a fungating, ulcerating mass is seen in the views below.


This CT image of the abdomen demonstrates an encircling mass involving the colon. This is a colonic adenocarcinoma.


Here is another example of an adenocarcinoma of colon. This cancer is more exophytic in its growth pattern. Thus, one of the complications of a carcinoma is obstruction (usually partial).


Colonoscopic views of another ulcerating mass, a rectal adenocarcinoma, are seen below.


The edge of the carcinoma arising in the villous adenoma is seen here. The neoplastic glands are long and frond-like, similar to those seen in a villous adenoma. The growth is primarily exophytic (outward into the lumen) and invasion is not seen at this point. Grading and staging of the tumor is done by the surgical pathologist who will examine multiple histologic sections of the tumor.


Microscopically, a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of colon is seen here. There is still a glandular configuration, but the glands are irregular and very crowded. Many of them have lumens containing bluish mucin.


Here is an adenocarcinoma in which the glands are much larger and filled with necrotic debris.


At high magnification, the neoplastic glands of adenocarcinoma have crowded nuclei with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism. No normal goblet cells are seen.


The sigmoid colon at the right appears lighter in color than the adjacent small intestine and has a band of taenia coli muscle running longitudinally. Protruding from the sigmoid colon are multiple rounded bluish-gray diverticula. Diverticula are much more common in the colon than in small intestine, and they are more common in the left colon, and they are more common in persons living in developed nations in which the usual diet has less fiber.

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