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This is another example of Crohn's disease involving the small intestine. Here, the mucosal surface demonstrates an irregular nodular appearance with hyperemia and focal superficial ulceration.


Microscopically, Crohn's disease is characterized by transmural inflammation. Here, inflammatory cells (the bluish infiltrates) extend from mucosa through submucosa and muscularis and appear as nodular infiltrates on the serosal surface with pale granulomatous centers.


At high magnification the granulomatous nature of the inflammation of Crohn's disease is demonstrated here with epithelioid cells, giant cells, and many lymphocytes. Special stains for organisms are negative.


One complication of Crohn's disease is fistula formation. Seen here is a fissure extending through mucosa at the left into the submucosa toward the muscular wall, which eventually will form a fistula. Fistulae can form between loops of bowel, bladder, and skin. With colonic involvement, perirectal fistulae are common.


This gross appearance is characteristic for ulcerative colitis. The most intense inflammation begins at the lower right in the sigmoid colon and extends upward and around to the ascending colon. At the lower left is the ileocecal valve with a portion of terminal ileum that is not involved. Inflammation with ulcerative colitis tends to be continuous along the mucosal surface and tends to begin in the rectum. The mucosa becomes eroded, as in this photograph, which shows only remaining islands of mucosa called "pseudopolyps".


At higher magnification, the pseudopolyps can be seen clearly as raised red islands of inflamed mucosa. Between the pseudopolyps is only remaining muscularis.


Here is another example of extensive ulcerative colitis (UC). The ileocecal valve is seen at the lower left. Just above this valve in the cecum is the beginning of the mucosal inflammation with erythema and granularity. As the disease progresses, the mucosal erosions coalesce to linear ulcers that undermine remaining mucosa.


Colonoscopic views of less severe UC are seen below, with friable, erythematous mucosa with reduced haustral folds.


Pseudopolyps are seen here in a case of severe ulcerative colitis. The remaining mucosa has been ulcerated away and is hyperemic.


A colonoscopic view of active ulcerative colitis, but not so eroded as to produce pseudopolyps, is seen here.

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