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Here is an example of an accessory spleen. These are not that uncommon and are really incidental findings. Remember, though, that the accessory spleen can undergo all changes that the larger spleen can. There is also a condition known as "splenosis" which occurs when portions of disrupted spleen (usually from trauma) implant on peritoneal surfaces and continue to function.


This is the normal histologic appearance of the spleen. Note the small lymphocytes centered around the splenic arteriole at the center, forming the white pulp. Around this is the red pulp comprised of many splenic sinusoids. The spleen acts as a filter, removing old red blood cells and RBC inclusions. The spleen also acts as a storage area for platelets.


One of the most common causes for splenomegaly is portal hypertension with cirrhosis of the liver. Micronodular cirrhosis from chronic alcoholism is more common in the U.S. than macronodular cirrhosis following hepatitis B or C infection. Note that this spleen also shows irregular tan-white fibrous plaques over the purple surface. This "sugar icing" has the name hyaline perisplenitis.


This is a markedly enlarged spleen (the ruler is 15 cm long). Such massive splenomegaly is usually indicative of some myeloproliferative disease such as chronic myelogenous leukemia or myelofibrosis. There are subcapsular yellow-tan infarcts. Congestive splenomegaly (as with portal hypertension in cirrhosis of the liver) is unlikely to increase the size of the spleen over 800 gm. A spleen >1000 gm suggests a myeloproliferative, lymphoproliferative, or hematopoietic disorder.

感染性心内膜炎病人脾梗死 ,部分赘生物脱落栓塞于脾导致脾梗死,梗死灶是典型的局部缺血性病变:基底部位于被膜、灰白色、呈楔型。

Here are splenic infarcts in a patient with infective endocarditis. Portions of the vegetations have embolized to the spleen. These infarcts are typical of ischemic infarcts: they are based on the capsule, pale, and wedge-shaped.

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