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Leukemias typically fill up the marrow with abnormal cells, displacing normal hematopoiesis. The marrow here is essentially 100% cellular, but composed almost exclusively of leukemic cells. Normal hematopoiesis is reduced via replacement (a "myelophthisic" process) or by suppressed stem cell division. Thus, leukemic patients are prone to anemia, thrombocytopenia, and granulocytopenia and all of the complications that ensue, particularly complications of bleeding and infection.


At high power, the bone marrow of a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia is seen here. There is one lone megakaryocyte at the right center.


The CBC here is from a patient with CML. Note the markedly increased WBC count.


There are numerous granulocytic forms seen here, including immature myeloid cells and bands. This condition is one of the myeloproliferative states and is known as chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) that is most prevalent in middle-aged adults. A useful test to help distinguish this disease is the leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) score, which should be low with CML and high with a leukemoid reaction.


Here is another view of a peripheral blood smear in a patient with CML. Often, the numbers of basophils and eosinophils, as well as bands and more immature myeloid cells (metamyelocytes and myelocytes) are increased. Unlike AML, there are not many blasts with CML.


Myeloid cells of CML are also characterized by the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) on karyotyping. This is a translocation of a portion of the q arm of chromosome 22 to the q arm of chromosome 9, designated t(9:22).


Here is the normal appearance of a benign reactive lymph node. At the top is the capsule and just under that a subcapsular sinus where lymphatics enter that drain tissues peripheral to the node. Beneath the capsule is the paracortical zone with lymphoid follicles having a pale germinal center in which the immune responses are often generated. Beneath this are sinusoids extending to the center of the node.


At high magnification is seen a lymph node follicle with a germinal center containing larger lymphocytes undergoing activation. At the lower right is the subcapsular sinus.


This is a more pronounced reactive change in a lymph node, with a larger follicle and germinal center containing macrophages. In general, lymph nodes in a benign reactive process are more likely to enlarge quickly and be tender.


At high magnification, the germinal center in this reactive lymph node follicle has prominent macrophages with irregular cellular debris (so-called "tingible body macrophages"). Blood vessels are also more prominent.

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