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At low power, the abnormal plasma cells of multiple myeloma fill the marrow.


At medium power, the plasma cells of multiple myeloma here are very similar to normal plasma cells, but they may also be poorly differentiated. Usually, the plasma cells are differentiated enough to retain the function of immunoglobulin production. Thus, myelomas can be detected by an immunoglobulin "spike" on protein electrophoresis, or the presence of Bence-Jones proteins (light chains) in the urine. Immunoelectrophroesis characterizes the type of monoclonal immunoglobulin being produced.


Here is a smear of bone marrow aspirate from a patient with multiple myeloma. Note that there are numerous plasma cells with eccentric nuclei and a perinuclear halo of clearer cytoplasm.


Here is a 5 cm lymph node (obviously from a patient with lymphadenopathy). The node should normally be soft and pink and less than 1 cm in size. This lymph node is involved with Hodgkin's disease. This gross appearance could pass for a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as well.


This is a liver that is involved with Hodgkin's disease. The staging of Hodgkin's disease is very important in determining therapy. Thus, it is important to determine whether the patient has only a single lymph node region involved, multiple node regions, or extranodal involvement. This picture could probably suffice for non-Hodgkin's lymphomatous hepatic disease as well.


This is Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis type. Note the bands of pink collagenous tissue dividing the field in this lymph node.

中倍镜下结节硬化型霍奇金淋巴瘤有明显的纤维束。霍奇金淋巴瘤的分期对治疗和预后都很重要 。分期常常是通过放射手段完成的,CT扫描用来定位病变淋巴结,超声和胸片用来判断淋巴结的大小和肝、脾病变。对受累淋巴结进行活检是非常重要的,骨髓活检也是如此。因X线的广泛应用,剖腹探察现在已很少用。

At medium power, nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease has prominent bands of fibrosis. Staging of Hodgkin's disease is important to try and determine therapy and the prognosis. Staging is often done by radiographic means, with CT scans used to determine where lymphadenopathy is located, ultrasonography to determine size and lesions of liver and spleen, and chest radiograph. Histologic diagnosis is typically made from biopsy of an involved lymph node. A bone marrow biopsy is typically performed as well. Staging laparotomy is less commonly used nowadays because the radiographic procedures are excellent.


At high power, there are scattered large cells with a surrounding prominent clear space, an artefact of formalin fixation. These are the lacunar cells characteristic for the nodular sclerosis type of Hodgkin's disease.


Note the large cells with large, pale nuclei containing large purple nucleoli at the arrowheads. These are Reed-Sternberg cells that are indicative of Hodgkin's disease. Most of the cellular content of foci of Hodgkin's disease consists of reactive lymphoid cells. There are four main subtypes of Hodgkin's disease: lymphocyte predominance, nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity, and lymphocyte depletion.

霍奇金淋巴瘤,Reed-Sternberg 细胞可见大而明显的核仁。

This is a high power view of a Reed-Sternberg cell seen with Hodgkin's disease. Note the large, prominent nucleoli.

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