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The acute laryngeal edema seen here that killed the patient was due to an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin. Such an allergy is a form of type I hypersensitivity reaction in which there is preformed IgE antibody on mast cells that quickly reacts with an antigen. The mast cells release histamine and other mediators that lead to the edema.
Besides the icterus (yellow color, jaundice) in this skin there is a fine scaling rash in this patient following bone marrow transplantation with a 5 out of 6 antigen match. This is an example of graft versus host disease in which donor lymphocytes attack host tissues.
Microscopically, graft versus host disease is one of the best examples of a process called "apoptosis" or single cell necrosis. There is vacuolization and dissolution of epidermal cells along the basal layer, along with lymphocytes. At the arrow is a rounded pink apoptotic body.
Graft versus host disease also leads to marked cholestasis in the liver, seen here as large collections of yellow-green bile pigment in the bile canaliculi.
The graft versus host disease here is marked by yellow-brown collections of bile in the canaliculi, as well as chronic inflammatory cells within the liver parenchyma.
Immunologic disease can also complicate solid organ transplantation. Here is a renal biopsy that demonstrates marked interstitial fibrosis in a patient with chronic vascular rejection.
At high magnification, the renal arteries with chronic vascular rejection are markedly thickened and fibrotic. There is interstitial fibrosis and chronic inflammation. Such chronic rejection usually occurs slowly over several months to years following transplantation. This disease, unlike acute rejection, is difficult to treat.
This is a form of acute renal transplant rejection known as acute cellular tubulointerstitial rejection because most of the inflammation is in the interstitium. The glomerulus seen here is normal, but the tubules are infiltrated by many lymphocytes at the upper right.
At high magnification, the lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen around a renal tubule in a renal transplant patient with acute cellular rejection. This type of rejection can occur at any time following transplantation when immunosuppression is diminished. This is treated by administering cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive agents.
The immunofluorescence pattern with acute tubulointerstitial renal transplant rejection is shown here, in which immune deposits occur between glomeruli in the interstitium. Both type II and type IV immune hypersensitivity reactions contribute to this rejection reaction.

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