Neoplasms can spread by seeding along body cavities, and this pattern is more typical for carcinomas than other neoplasms. Note the multitude of small tan tumor nodules seen over the peritoneal surface of the mesentery shown here. 图示:种植性转移 这种转移方式多见于癌。腹膜表面的大量灰白色结节即为种植性转移癌。 |
Here is microscopic evidence of the spread of a carcinoma via body cavities. A focus of metastatic breast carcinoma is present along the pleura overlying the lung. 图示:乳腺癌通过胸膜腔蔓延至肺。 |
Malignant neoplasms are also characterized by the tendency to invade surrounding tissues. Here, a lung cancer is seen to be spreading along the bronchi into the surrounding lung. 恶性肿瘤的另一个特征是浸润周围组织。图示:肺癌沿着支气管蔓延到肺周围。 |
This is a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. It is a bulky mass that extends into surrounding lung parenchyma. 图示:肺鳞状细胞癌 大肿块浸润到了肺实质周围。 |
This infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast is definitely infiltrating the surrounding breast. The central white area is very hard and gritty, because the neoplasm is producing a desmoplastic reaction with lots of collagen. This is often called a "scirrhous" appearance. There is also focal dystrophic calcification leading to the gritty areas. 乳腺浸润性导管癌浸润乳腺周围组织。因为大量胶原纤维的形成,使中央白色区域非常坚硬并有硬粒感,称之为硬癌。由于营养不良性钙化导致硬粒感的出现。 |
Microscopically, the infiltrating ductal carcinoma extends irregularly through the tissue as cords and nests of neoplastic cells with intervening collagen. There is a purplish microcalcification at the lower center right. 浸润性导管癌 肿瘤细胞不规则的向深部组织浸润,同时在纤维间质内浸润生长,呈巢状和团索状排列。右下角可以见到紫色的钙化灶。 |
At high magnification, the infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast has pleomorphic cells infiltrating through the stroma. 乳腺浸润性导管癌 高镜下示:异型性细胞伸入基质浸润生长。 |
Microscopically, invading adenocarcinoma can be seen here. Normal gastric epithelium at the left merges into the carcinoma at the right, and irregular neoplastic glands infiltrate downward into the submucosa. 左侧为正常的胃粘膜上皮,右侧为癌变上皮,不规则的肿瘤腺体已侵入粘膜下层。 |
Branches of peripheral nerve are invaded by nests of malignant cells. This is often why pain associated with cancers is unrelenting. 神经末梢被恶性肿瘤细胞浸润,形成癌巢,这也是癌症病人晚期顽固性疼痛的原因。 |
The concept of differentiation is demonstrated by this small adenomatous polyp of the colon. Note the difference in staining quality between the epithelial cells of the adenoma at the top and the normal glandular epithelium of the colonic mucosa below. 通过图示的结肠息肉状小腺瘤可以明确分化的概念。上方的为腺瘤上皮细胞,下方为正常结肠粘膜腺上皮。 |