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This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the abdomen in transverse view demonstrates a small, nodular liver with cirrhosis. The spleen is enlarged from portal hypertension


Here is another example of micronodular cirrhosis. Note that the liver also has a yellowish hue, indicating that fatty change (also caused by alcoholism) is present.


This computed tomographic (CT) scan with contrast of the abdomen in transverse view demonstrates a small liver with cirrhosis. The spleen is enlarged from portal hypertension.


A close-up view of a micronodular cirrhosis in a liver with fatty change demonstrates the small, yellow nodules. Micronodular cirrhosis may also be seen with Wilson's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, and hemochromatosis.


Microscopically with cirrhosis, the regenerative nodules of hepatocytes are surrounded by fibrous connective tissue that bridges between portal tracts. Within this collagenous tissue are scattered lymphocytes as well as a proliferation of bile ducts.


Micronodular cirrhosis is seen along with moderate fatty change. Note the regenerative nodule surrounded by fibrous connective tissue extending between portal regions.

在高倍镜下能看到肝细胞内红色球形玻璃样物质,这是Mallory 玻璃样变,也称“酒精”玻璃样变,因为经常在慢性酒精性肝炎中能观察到。球形物质是肝细胞损伤时细胞浆中的中间丝聚集而成。

At high magnification can be seen globular red hyaline material within hepatocytes. This is Mallory's hyaline, also known as "alcoholic" hyaline because it is most often seen in conjunction with chronic alcoholism. The globules are aggregates of intermediate filaments in the cytoplasm resulting from hepatocyte injury.


Mallory's hyaline is seen here, but there are also neutrophils, necrosis of hepatocytes, collagen deposition, and fatty change. These findings are typical for acute alcoholic hepatitis. Such inflammation can occur in a person with a history of alcoholism who goes on a drinking "binge" and consumes large quantities of alcohol over a short time.


Portal hypertension results from the abnormal blood flow pattern in liver created by cirrhosis. The increased pressure is transmitted to collateral venous channels. Sometimes these venous collaterals are dilated. Seen here is "caput medusae" which consists of dilated veins seen on the abdomen of a patient with cirrhosis of the liver.


A much more serious problem produced by portal hypertension results when submucosal veins in the esophagus become dilated. These are known as esophageal varices. Varices are seen here in the lower esophagus as linear blue dilated veins. There is hemorrhage around one of them. Such varices are easily eroded, leading to massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

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