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This is an in-situ photograph of the chest and abdominal contents. As can be seen, the liver is the largest parenchymal organ, lying just below the diaphragm. The right lobe (at the left in the photograph) is larger than the left lobe. The falciform ligament is the rough dividing line between the two lobes.

This is the external surface of a normal liver. The color is brown and the surface is smooth. A normal liver is about 1200 to 1600 grams.


The cut surface of a normal liver has a brown color. Near the hilum here, note the portal vein carrying blood to the liver, which branches at center left, with accompanying hepatic artery and bile ducts. At the lower right is a branch of hepatic vein draining blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava.


Liver is divided histologically into lobules. The center of the lobule is the central vein. At the periphery of the lobule are portal triads. Functionally, the liver can be divided into three zones, based upon oxygen supply. Zone 1 encircles the portal tracts where the oxygenated blood from hepatic arteries enters. Zone 3 is located around central veins, where oxygenation is poor. Zone 2 is located in between.


This liver is slightly enlarged and has a pale yellow appearance, seen both on the capsule and cut surface. This uniform change is consistent with fatty metamorphosis (fatty change).


This is the histologic appearance of hepatic fatty change. The lipid accumulates in the hepatocytes as vacuoles. These vacuoles have a clear appearance with H&E staining. The most common cause of fatty change in developed nations is alcoholism. In developing nations, kwashiorkor in children is another cause. Diabetes mellitus, obesity, and severe gastrointestinal malabsorption are additional causes.


Here are seen the lipid vacuoles within hepatocytes. The lipid accumulates when lipoprotein transport is disrupted and/or when fatty acids accumulate. Alcohol, the most common cause, is a hepatotoxin that interferes with mitochondrial and microsomal function in hepatocytes, leading to an accumulation of lipid.

肝硬化是肝细胞坏死后,肝纤维化和肝细胞再生所致。产生结节,使肝脏变硬。图示结节大于3 mm,属大结节型肝硬化。

Ongoing liver damage with liver cell necrosis followed by fibrosis and hepatocyte regeneration results in cirrhosis. This produces a nodular, firm liver. The nodules seen here are larger than 3 mm and, hence, this is an example of "macronodular" cirrhosis.


Here is another example of macronodular cirrhosis. Viral hepatitis (B or C) is the most common cause for macronodular cirrhosis. Wilson's disease and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency also can produce a macronodular cirrhosis.

小结节型肝硬化,再生肝细胞结节平均小于3 mm,最常见的原因是慢性酒精性中毒,这种硬化需要数年。

This is an example of a micronodular cirrhosis. The regenerative nodules are quite small, averaging less than 3 mm in size. The most common cause for this is chronic alcoholism. The process of cirrhosis develops over many years.

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