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The cystic nature of a mature teratoma of ovary is seen here. The most common tissue element of these teratomas is skin, so large amounts of hair and sebum are produced, leading to a challenging cleanup problem in surgical pathology following dissection of these tumors. If these tumors are mostly solid, then they are often "immature" teratomas with less differentiated tissue and are more aggressive. Rarely, there are frankly carcinomatous areas.


There is a large unilateral mature cystic teratoma seen here at the right (in left ovary--the uterus is opened anteriorly). The uterus has an intramural and a subserosal leiomyoma. The other ovary is replaced by a fibroma.


Microscopically, this teratoma has cartilage, adipose tissue, and intestinal glands at the right, while at the left is a lot of thyroid tissue. This condition can be termed struma ovarii. Rarely, a struma ovarii can even be a cause for hyperthyroidism.


Metastatic tumors to ovary are uncommon, but there is one situation in which a metastatic adenocarcinoma to ovary appears as a large mass and resembles a primary tumor: a so-called "Krukenberg" tumor of ovary which has a signet ring histologic pattern and usually is metastatic from a primary in gastrointestinal tract. Seen here extending out of the pelvis at autopsy is a large right ovarian mass. Metastases are also present in the lower right portion of liver.


This is only a second trimester pregnancy, but note how large for dates the uterus is because of a molar pregnancy. An ultrasound in this case revealed no fetus, only a "snowstorm" effect.


This is a hydatidiform mole. Molar pregnancies are uncommon and occur when there is fertilization of an ovum by a sperm but loss of maternal chromosomes, leaving a 46XX karyotype composed only of paternal chromosomes, enough to form a placenta, but not a fetus. The result is a mass of tissue with grape-like swollen villi.

图示:葡萄胎。不常见的,受精时母性染色体丢失,核型为46XX, 仅由父性染色体构成,虽然能够形成胎盘,但不能形成胎儿,因此形成葡萄状肿胀的绒毛组织。

The grape-like villi of a hydatidiform mole are seen here. With molar pregnancy, the uterus is large for dates, but no fetus is present. HCG levels are markedly elevated. Patients with a hydatidiform mole are often large for dates and have hyperemesis gravidarum more frequently. Patients may present with bleeding, and may pass some of the grape-like villi.


Histologically, the hydatidiform mole has large avascular villi and areas of trophoblastic proliferation. Of course, ultrasound confirms the diagnosis before currettage is done to evacuate this tissue seen here.


The pathologist determines the histologic diagnosis of the trophoblastic disease, most importantly, if choriocarcinoma is present. In this hydatidiform mole there is atypical trophoblastic proliferation, but villi are still present. The patient is then followed with serial HCG levels.


This is a partial mole that occurs when two sperms fertilize a single ovum. The result is triploidy (69 XXY). Only some of the villi are grape- like, and a fetus can be present, but rarely survives past 15 weeks.


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