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A normal adult ovary has been sectioned here to reveal a hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Note the dark red-black hemorrhagic region surrounded by a thin rim of yellow corpus luteum.


Here is the microscopic apperance of a hemorrhagic corpus luteum lined by luteinized granulosa cells next to the hemorrhagic area at the right.


Here is a benign cyst in an ovary. This is probably a follicular cyst. Occasionally such cysts may reach several centimeters in size and, if they rupture, can cause abdominal pain.


This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary. Note the luteinized cells forming the inner cyst lining at the left, with adjacent surrounding theca cells. These cysts are rarely more than a few centimeters in diameter.


This ovary is dark and enlarged from hemorrhage following torsion. Torsion of the ovary is uncommon but may occur in adults in conjunction with benign ovarian cysts or neoplasms and in children or infants spontaneously. It leads to a presentation like that of acute appendicitis, but an adnexal mass may be palpable.

Here are bilateral benign ovarian tumors. These proved to be fibrothecomas. The thecoma component of the neoplasm gives the tumor a yellowish cast because of the lipid content and can also produce estrogen. These are tumors that arise from the ovarian stroma. They are bilateral in only about 10% of cases. A right-sided hydrothorax in association with this tumor is known as Meig's syndrome.


Here is an ovarian stromal tumor that is hard and white and is a fibroma.
This is a tumor of ovarian surface epithelium. These are the most common ovarian neoplasms. Such neoplasms may be lined by epithelium that is serous or mucinous. Pictured here is a serous cystadenoma. It was filled with pale yellow serous fluid in only a single cavity. Mucinous tumors are filled with sticky mucin and tend to be multiloculated. Benign epithelial ovarian tumors are bilateral in about 20% of cases.

Benign epithelial tumors of the ovary can reach massive proportions. The serous cystadenoma seen here fills a surgical pan and dwarfs the 4 cm ruler.


Here is a benign serous cystadenoma that demonstrates multiloculation. Note that the inner surface is, for the most part, smooth, with only a solitary papillation at the upper right.


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