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This is a second trimester fetus and uterus.



Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized ovum implants outside of the uterine fundus. About 1 in 150 pregnancies results in ectopic implantation. Most cannot be sustained at extrauterine sites. However, a tubal ectopic pregnancy, as diagrammed here, may proceed for several weeks, but the enlargement can rupture the tube and lead to acute, life-threatening bleeding, often about 6 weeks after a previous menstrual period.



This is a ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy. Note the twin fetuses at the lower right adjacent to the blood clot at the left. About half of ectopic pregnancies occur because of an identifiable lesion such as chronic salpingitis from pelvic inflammatory disease or adhesions from appendicitis, endometriosis, or previous laparotomy. However, in half of cases no cause can be found.



Here is another ectopic pregnancy in a fallopian tube that was excised. This is a medical emergency because of the sudden rupture with hemoperitoneum. Ectopic pregnancy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain in a woman of childbearing age.


A positive pregnancy test (presence of human chorionic gonadotropin), ultrasound, and culdocentesis with presence of blood are helpful in making the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Seen here is tubal epithelium at the right, with rupture site and chorionic villi at the lower left.


Sometimes blood clot and chorionic villi, as seen here, are recovered outside of the tube following rupture of an ectopic pregnancy. Other sites of ectopic implantation include ovary, abdominal peritoneum, and cornual (uterine) portion of fallopian tube.



This is an example of a tubo-ovarian abscess from Neisseria gonorrheae. Gonorrhea leads to several complications in the female genital tract, including acute inflammation with abscess formation as well as chronic inflammation with tubal scarring (and a greater likelihood of ectopic pregnancy) and pelvic inflammatory disease. Here, there is no clear boundary between tube and ovary and the dilated tube is filled with purulent material.


A remnant of tubal epithelium is seen here surrounded and infiltrated by numerous neutrophils. This is acute salpingitis. Neisseria gonorrheae was cultured.


Here is another common incidental finding: a benign paratubal cyst. Sometimes such simple cysts are found adjacent to ovary and are called parovarian cysts. They are filled with clear serous fluid and lined by flattened cuboidal epithelium.


This is an adult ovary with two corpora lutea. The larger one at the top is a hemorrhagic corpus luteum of menstruation, and the smaller one at the bottom is involuting from a previous menstrual period. If implantation of a fertilized ovum occurs, then the corpus luteum will persist because of HCG from the placenta. Of 400,000 ovarian follicles present at birth, only about 400 will mature to the point of ovulation during childbearing years.


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