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Here is an adrenal cortical carcinoma seen microscopically at high power to demonstrate cellular pleomorphism with nuclear hyperchromatism. Both benign and malignant endocrine neoplasms demonstrate some degree of cellular pleomorphism, so it is not easy to tell benign from malignant on histologic grounds alone. The larger the neoplasm, the more likely it is malignant, but the best indicators are invasion and metastasis.


This large adrenal neoplasm has been sectioned in half. Note the grey-tan color of the tumor compared to the yellow cortex stretched around it and a small remnant of remaining adrenal at the lower right. This patient had episodic hypertension. This is a tumor arising in the adrenal medulla--a pheochromocytoma.


This pheochromocytoma demonstrates the chromaffin reaction. This neoplasm of the adrenal medulla contains catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). The section of tumor at the bottom has been placed into a dichromate fixative which turns the tissue brown as the catecholamines are oxidized. Compare to the section of pink to yellow tumor at the top which has not been placed in dichromate fixative.


There is some residual adrenal cortical tissue at the lower center right, with the darker cells of pheochromocytoma seen above and to the left.


Microscopically, a pheochromocytoma is composed of large cells that are pink to mauve and arranged in nests with capillaries in between. Remember 10% when you think of a pheochromocytoma: 10% are bilateral, 10% are in children, 10% are malignant.


By electron microscopy, the neoplastic cells of the pheochromocytoma contain neurosecretory granules. It is these granules that contain the catecholamines. The granules seen here appear as small black round objects in the cytoplasm of the cell. The cell nucleus is at the upper left.

可见一正常胰岛被外分泌腺胰腺的腺泡包绕。胰岛包含分泌胰高血糖素的α(A)细胞 ,分泌胰岛素的β(B)细胞和分泌生长抑素的δ(D)细胞。

Here is a normal pancreatic islet of Langerhans surrounded by normal exocrine pancreatic acinar tissue. The islets contain alpha cells secreting glucagon, beta cells secreting insulin, and delta cells secreting somatostatin.


Immunoperoxidase staining can help identify the nature of the cells present in the islets of Langerhans. On the right, antibody to insulin has been employed to identify the beta cells. On the left, antibody to glucagon identifies the alpha cells.


This is an insulitis of an islet of Langerhans in a patient who will eventually develop type I diabetes mellitus. The presence of the lymphocytic infiltrates in this edematous islet suggests an autoimmune mechanism for this process. The destruction of the islets leads to an absolute lack of insulin that characterizes type I diabetes mellitus.


This islet of Langerhans demonstrates pink hyalinization (with deposition of amyloid) in many of the islet cells. This change is common in the islets of patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

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