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肺结核病时肾上腺的干酪样肉芽肿性炎。过去肺结核是慢性肾上腺功能不全最常见的原因,现在特发性(可能与自身免疫有关) Addison 病是慢性肾上腺功能不全的更常见原因。

This is a caseating granuloma of tuberculosis in the adrenal gland. Tuberculosis used to be the most common cause of chronic adrenal insufficiency. Now, idiopathic (presumably autoimmune) Addison's disease is much more often the cause for chronic adrenal insufficiency.


Here are Congo red stained deposits of amyloid in the adrenal cortex. Amyloid may collect in adrenal as well as other organs.


This neonate had a congenital neuroblastoma of the right adrenal. This neoplasm (marked by the white arrow) is displacing the liver to the left of the body.


This is a microscopic appearance of neuroblastoma, which is one of the "small round blue cell" tumors. These neoplasms can reach a large size in the retroperitoneum before detection. They often contain areas of necrosis and calcification.


This adrenal gland removed surgically in a patient with Cushing's syndrome has been sectioned in half to reveal an adenoma. Some remaining atrophic adrenal is seen at the right. The adenoma is composed of yellow firm tissue just like adrenal cortex. This neoplasm is well-circumscribed. Histologically, it is composed of well-differentiated cells resembling cortical fasciculata zone. It is benign.

高血压病人左侧肾上腺的直径为1.3厘米的腺瘤。常规电解质检测显示低钾血症。进一步检测发现醛固酮升高和肾素降低,结果与醛固酮分泌性肾上腺腺瘤( Conn综合症)一致。这种病变占原发性醛固酮增多症(PHA)的2/3,而双侧肾上腺增生占PHA的30%。腺瘤的典型表现是直径小于2cm、切面呈黄*色。

Here is a 1.3 cm left adrenal adenoma found in a patient with hypertension. She had hypokalemia on a routine chemistry panel. Further workup revealed a high serum aldosterone and a low serum renin, findings consistent with an aldosterone secreting adrenal adenoma (Conn's syndrome). This lesion accounts for about two-thirds of cases of primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA), while bilateral adrenal hyperplasia accounts for about 30% of PHA. Such adenomas are typically less than 2 cm in size and yellow on cut surface.


Microscopically, the adrenal cortical adenoma at the right resembles normal adrenal fasciculata. The capsule is at the left. There may be some cellular pleomorphism.


This is a large adrenal cortical carcinoma which is displacing the left kidney downward. Such neoplasms are usually functional (secreting corticosteroids or sex steroids). They have a poor prognosis.


There is residual adrenal at the right, and an adrenal cortical carcinoma is at the left.


This high power microscopic appearance of an adrenal cortical carcinoma demonstrates that the neoplasm closely resembles normal adrenal cortex. It is difficult to determine malignancy in endocrine neoplasms based upon cytology alone. Thus, invasion (as seen here in a vein) and metastases are the most reliable indicators. Luckily, most endocrine neoplasms are benign adenomas.

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