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This is an India ink preparation of cerebrospinal fluid in a patient with Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis. Note the clear zone of the capsule around the central nucleus of the organisms.


Budding cells with pseudohyphae seen here are characteristic for Candida infection.


With a PAS stain, the budding cells and pseudohyphae (short filaments that are not true hyphae) of Candida stain bright red.


Here is a GMS stain of Candida.

免疫缺陷的宿主中口腔念珠菌病很普通,例如 HIV 感染。见毛状舌胎,并有浅棕色渗出物,即毛状白斑舌。

Oral candidiasis is common in immunocompromised hosts, such as those with HIV infection. There is a hairy coating of the tongue seen here mixed with a pale tan exudate.


A PAS stain reveals the budding cells and pseudohyphae of Candida on the surface of the tongue.

肺霉菌脓肿标本,可见脓肿的黄褐色物质。 由于它由霉菌菌丝组成,非常牢固。这归因于曲霉属菌。曲霉属菌通常在已形成的空腔内增殖,例如肺结核造成的空洞。

This is a fungal abscess of the lung. Note the yellow tan material in the abscess. It is very firm material, because it is composed of fungal hyphae. This one is due to Aspergillus. Aspergillus has a habit of colonizing previously formed cavities, such as those with tuberculosis.


This is Aspergillus infection of the lung. Note how the infection crosses the pleura between the lobes. Note that a small artery to the left of the yellow-brown fungal abscess is thrombosed and surrounded by hemorrhage. Aspergillus likes to invade vessels and surrounding tissues.


Here is an Aspergillus fungus ball in a dilated bronchus.


At higher magnification, Aspergillus hyphae are seen to branch.

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