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肺曲霉菌感染,可见感染通过脏层胸膜在肺叶之间播散,通向黄棕色霉菌脓肿左边的小动脉形成小血栓并且被出血包围。 曲霉属菌易于侵袭血管及周围组织。

曲霉菌:肺脓肿(大体) 跨肺叶感染(大体) 真菌球(低倍) 菌丝(高倍放大) 分枝状菌丝

This is Aspergillus infection of the lung. Note how the infection crosses the pleura between the lobes. Note that a small artery to the left of the yellow-brown fungal abscess is thrombosed and surrounded by hemorrhage. Aspergillus likes to invade vessels and surrounding tissues.

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