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高血压病人左侧肾上腺的直径为1.3厘米的腺瘤。常规电解质检测显示低钾血症。进一步检测发现醛固酮升高和肾素降低,结果与醛固酮分泌性肾上腺腺瘤( Conn综合症)一致。这种病变占原发性醛固酮增多症(PHA)的2/3,而双侧肾上腺增生占PHA的30%。腺瘤的典型表现是直径小于2cm、切面呈黄*色。

肾上腺皮质腺瘤:大体一 大体二 显微镜显示肿瘤细胞异型性

Here is a 1.3 cm left adrenal adenoma found in a patient with hypertension. She had hypokalemia on a routine chemistry panel. Further workup revealed a high serum aldosterone and a low serum renin, findings consistent with an aldosterone secreting adrenal adenoma (Conn's syndrome). This lesion accounts for about two-thirds of cases of primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA), while bilateral adrenal hyperplasia accounts for about 30% of PHA. Such adenomas are typically less than 2 cm in size and yellow on cut surface.

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