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The cholesterol clefts of lipid, along with a few scattered foam cells and a couple of lymphocytes, are seen at high magnification in this atheromatous plaque.


Atherosclerosis may weaken the wall of the aorta such that it bulges out to form an aneurysm. An atherosclerotic aortic aneurysm typically occurs in the abdominal portion below the renal arteries, as shown here. Aortic aneurysms that get bigger than 6 or 7 cm are likely to rupture.


This is a different kind of arteriosclerosis. This is hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis, which most often appears in the kidney in patients with malignant hypertension. The arteriolar wall is markedly thickened and the lumen is narrowed.


Sometimes the small arteries and arterioles can be damaged so severely in malignant hypertension that they demonstrate necrosis with a pink fibrin-like quality that gives this process its name--fibrinoid necrosis.


In diabetics, hyaline arteriolosclerosis is common. The glomerulus here stained with PAS shows nodular deposits of amorphous material (nodular glomerulosclerosis) along with a thickened arteriole at the lower right.


This is Monckeberg's medial calcific sclerosis, which is the most insignificant form of arteriosclerosis (both atherosclerosis and arteriolosclerosis are definitely significant). Note the purplish blue calcifications in the media; note that the lumen is unaffected by this process. Thus, there are no real clinical consequences. Remember this process when calcified muscular arteries show up on a radiograph of the pelvic region in an older person.


A pulmonary thromboembolus travels from a large vein in the leg up the inferior vena cava to the main pulmonary arteries as they branch. Such thrombi embolize most often from large veins in the legs and pelvis where thrombi form with stasis.


The main pulmonary trunk and pulmonary arteries to right and left lungs are seen here opened to reveal a large "saddle" pulmonary thromboembolus. Such an embolus will kill your patient.


Here is another large pulmonary thromboembolus seen in cross section of this lung. The typical source for such thromboemboli is from large veins in the legs and pelvis.


This pulmonary thromboembolus is occluding the main pulmonary artery. Persons who are immobilized for weeks are at greatest risk. The patient can experience sudden onset of shortness of breath. Death may occur within minutes.


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