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放大后可见支气管肺炎病灶的不规则分布。实变区域范围很接近肺小叶(因此又称小叶性肺炎)。支气管肺炎是很典型的“医院感染型”肺炎,发生于已患其它疾病的病人。典型的病原微生物包括:金黄*色葡萄球菌, 克雷白菌属,大肠杆菌(E. coli),假单胞菌。
At higher magnification, the pattern of patchy distribution of a bronchopneumonia is seen. The consolidated areas here very closely match the pattern of lung lobules (hence the term "lobular" pneumonia).A bronchopneumonia is classically a "hospital acquired" pneumonia seen in persons already ill from another disease process. Typical bacterial organisms include: Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, E. coli, Pseudomonas.

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