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对于长期忍受Sjogren综合征(口眼干燥综合征)即包括唾液腺(口腔干燥)和泪腺(干眼病)受累的自身免疫性疾病病人,在嘴唇活组织检查中,单核细胞浸润,间质纤维化,小唾液腺的腺泡萎缩,都是典型的。大多数病人是中年妇女。尽管半数以上的病人抗核抗体检测为阳性,但在Sjogren综合症病人中自身抗体SS-A( Ro )和 SS-B(La)比其他检测更特异。

The mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates, interstitial fibrosis, and acinar atrophy of a minor salivary gland in a biopsy of lip is typical for long-standing Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease that involves salivary glands (with xerostomia) and lacrimal glands (with xerophthalmia). Most patients are middle-aged women. The autoantibodies SS-A (Ro) and SS-B (La) have more specificity for Sjogren's syndrome than others, though the antinuclear antibody test is positive in over half of cases.

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