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另例抗核抗体阳性,底物细胞是人类的Hep2. 任何报告都是抗核抗体阳性与效价同时报告的。效价是阳性病人血清简单稀释的结果.检测高于1:16 或 1:20 为阳性.通常效价越高越有可能存在着自身免疫性疾病.效价为1:40可能并不意味着什么,但1:1012的效价当然就不能被忽视了。
Here is another positive ANA in which the substrate cells are a human cell line known as Hep2. Any positive ANA is reported with a titer. The titer is simply the dilution of patient serum at which the test is still positive. The test has to be positive at greater than 1:16 or 1:20 (depending upon the lab) to be positive at all. In general, the higher the titer, the more likely a serious autoimmune disease is present. Thus, a 1:40 result might not mean much, but a 1:1012 certainly should not be ignored.

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