小腺瘤性息肉(管状腺瘤)。称为管状腺瘤是因为形成的腺体是圆的。有光滑的表面、散在分布。成年人多见。小管状腺瘤本质上常是良性的。那些大于2厘米的腺瘤经过数年可能有 APC、DCC、K-ras和p53基因的累积突变,常有发展成癌的危险。
A small adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) is seen here. This lesion is called a "tubular adenoma" because of the rounded nature of the neoplastic glands that form it. It has smooth surfaces and is discreet. Such lesions are common in adults. Small ones are virtually always benign. Those larger than 2 cm carry a much greater risk for development of a carcinoma, having collected mutations in APC, DCC, K-ras, and p53 genes over the years.