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小肠黏膜显示明显充血 ,是局部缺血性肠炎的结果。局部缺血常见于由心衰、大量失血、血管受阻(见于肠疝、肠扭转或肠套叠)所导致的低血压(休克)。如果血液供应没有迅速恢复,肠就会梗死。
The small intestinal mucosa demonstrates marked hyperemia as a result of ischemic enteritis. Such ischemia most often results from hypotension (shock) from cardiac failure, from marked blood loss, or from loss of blood supply from mechanical obstruction (as with the bowel incarcerated in a hernia or with volvulus or intussusception). If the blood supply is not quickly restored, the bowel will infarct.

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