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中间是一对正常的肾上腺。上边是肾上腺萎缩病人的肾上腺(可见于Addison病或长期应用皮质类固醇治疗)。下边是皮质增生的肾上腺,可能是垂体腺瘤分泌ACTH (Cushing病),或异位分泌ACTH引起的库欣综合征,或特发性肾上腺增生。 The pair of adrenals in the center are normal. Those at the top come from a patient with adrenal atrophy (with either Addison's disease or long-term corticosteroid therapy). The adrenals at the bottom represent bilateral cortical hyperplasia. This could be due to a pituitary adenoma secreting ACTH (Cushing's disease), or Cushing's syndrome from ectopic ACTH production, or idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia.

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