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甲状旁腺增生很少有或没有脂肪组织存在,但各类细胞正常。可见粉红色的甲状旁腺嗜酸性细胞。实际上是伴有腺体扩大的继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进,它是由慢性肾衰血磷排泄障碍所致。血磷升高使血清钙下降,从而引起甲状旁腺分泌更多的甲状旁腺激素。 In parathyroid hyperplasia, there is little or no adipose tissue, but any or all cell types normally found in parathyroid are present. Note the pink oxyphil cells here. This is actually "secondary hyperparathyroidism" with enlarged glands as a consequence of chronic renal failure with impaired phosphate excretion. The increased serum phosphate tends to drive serum calcium down, which in turn drives the parathyroids to secrete more parathormone.

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