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艾森曼格复合病(Eisenmenger's complex)

大的房间隔缺损以及左向右分流导致肺动脉高压。随着肺动脉压的增加,右心室明显肥大,最终导致血液倒流和右向左分流。这种由房间隔缺损引起的疾病称为艾森曼格复合病(Eisenmenger's complex)。左边手指提着的是明显变厚的位于三尖瓣下的游离心室壁,而右边手指提着的是室间隔。

This large atrial septal defect with left-to-right shunt resulted in pulmonary hypertension with increased pulmonary arterial pressures that eventually led to reversal and right-to-left shunt, resulting in marked right ventricular hypertrophy. This result from a cardiac septal defect is known as Eisenmenger's complex. The finger at the left is holding a markedly thickened right ventricular free wall below the tricuspid valve, and the finger at the right is holding the interventricular septum.

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