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乳腺切除标本显示乳腺“炎性”癌。不是乳腺癌的一种特殊组织学类型,更正确地说它意味着乳腺癌的真皮内淋巴管浸润。这种真皮内淋巴管的累及导致了皮肤水肿增厚、呈现红斑而且粗糙而具橘皮样外观。 This mastectomy specimen demonstrates the gross findings of "inflammatory" carcinoma of breast. This is not a specific histologic type of breast cancer, but rather it implies dermal lymphatic invasion by some type of underlying breast carcinoma. Such involvement of dermal lymphatics gives the grossly thickened, erythematous, and rough skin surface with the appearance of an orange peel ("peau d'orange" for you francophiles).

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