乳腺脂肪坏死。最常见的病因是创伤。它可因纤维化成为局限区以致于灰类似于乳腺癌外观。然而在显微镜下,脂肪坏死是由不规则无细胞核的消脂细胞组成,夹杂着粉红色无定形坏死物和炎细胞,包括吞噬了坏死脂肪细胞的异物巨细胞。 This is fat necrosis of the breast. The most common etiology is trauma. It can be a localized, firm area with scarring that can mimic a breast carcinoma. Microscopically, however, fat necrosis consists of irregular steatocytes with no peripheral nuclei and intervening pink amorphous necrotic material and inflammatory cells, including foreign body giant cells responding to the necrotic fat cells.